Main features
1. Procedural mesh fracturing right in Unity Edtior. Textured meshes are supported.
2. A lot of options for broken objects
3. Shards pools that can be used to share the same shards between similar objects
Important notes
Please note that the provided solution is SIMPLE. So, there are some points
Destruction algorithm works by slicing with random planes
By default the new geometry will be generated for inner surfaces. Interpolated UV-coordinates and the original material will be applied. It will work properly only if your mesh is convex. If your mesh is concave or too difficult you may encounter some problems or graphical artifacts. You can play around with some values or disable option “Add new geometry” in this case
Quick start
Select game object with mesh filter

Select any game object which has Mesh Filter Component
Open broken "Create broken objects" window

Go to Window -> Create broken objects
Select game object which has Mesh Filter Component
Check toggles:
Add Colliders
Add broken object to scene
Destroy object by click
Press Create
Run and destroy

Run scene
Click on object to destroy it
"Create broken objects" window
You can create broken objects variations in "Create broken objects" window. It can be found at Window -> Create broken objects

Path to save: select path where you want to save broken objects. Only the path which is inside the "Assets" folder is valid.
Iterations count: More iterations - more shards. 10 iterations ~ 1000 shards
Add colliders to shards: Should shards collide with each other and with objects on the scene?
Shard collider type:
Mesh collider will be applied to each shard by default. Use other types of colliders if you want some optimization
Add broken object to scene: Adds broken version of object to scene near original object
Add new geometry:
Generate surfaces inside broken objects. UV coordinates will be taken from near vertices and interpolated. IMPORTANT: It works properly only if your mesh is convex. If your mesh is concave or too difficult you may encounter some problems or graphical artifacts.
Destroy object by click:
Adds special component which will react to mouse click or finger tap and destroy object
Destroy object by collision:
Adds special component which will react to collisions and destroy object
Object collider type:
Collider should be applied to the main object to detect clicks or collisions. Mesh collider will be applied by default. Use other types of colliders if you want some optimization
Advanced options
These options also can be found at the created BreakableObject component. They determine the flight speed and the lifetime of the shards.
Broken object collections
Broken object collection is a scriptable object which contains all variants of broken object

Broken objects will be retrieved from the collection randomly at the runtime.
Here you can also set an initial pool capacity for each variant. It means that on first use (or pool initialization if you call a BrokenObjectPools.AddCollectionToPool) several instances of each broken variant will be added to a pool.
Pools are expandable. Therefore, if you break a lot of objects at runtime the new broken objects variations will be instantiated and added to pools
(see next page about the pools)
Broken object collection will be created automatically after pressing the Create button in the Create broken objects window.
You can also create a BrokenObjectCollection yourself by following:Assets - Create - Broken object collection - Empty
Broken object pools
Why do I need that?
Pool is a collection of objects that are kept ready to use. You can retrieve objects from the pool and then release them after using them. Main goal of it is to avoid memory allocations and slow Game Object instantiations.
The Breakable Objects system will automatically place shards to the Broken Object Pools during the destruction process. It means that shards from one broken object will be reused on another identical object later. It greatly increases runtime performance especially if you have to destroy a lot of identical objects.

All you need to do is just to ensure that the BrokenObjectPools game object exists on your scene. Please do not delete it!

You can find examples of using breakable objects in the Examples folder
Public methods
public void Break(Vector3 explosionPosition = default)
Breaks object. This method initiates an explosion inside an object, replaces original mesh with broken version and applies a force to the shards
Vector3 explosionPosition: You can set a custom explosion position. Otherwise center of the object will be used
public void Restore()
Instantly restores object
public GameObject OriginalObject
Instance of the original object
public BreakableObjectParams Params
Parameters of the explosion: force, shards lifetime, etc.
public BrokenObjectCollection BrokenObjectsCollection
A BrokenObjectCollection instance from which broken objects will be retrieved
public bool Broken { get; private set; }
Is object currently in broken state. It becomes true right after Break was called
public bool IsBreakingInProgress { get; private set; }
True until the last shard is gone
Break by click
Add this component to the breakable object to destroy object by click or tap
Break by collision
Add this component to the breakable object to destroy object by any collision
You can derive from this class to create an additional break behaviour. See example 2
Public methods
public abstract void OnBreak();
You can derive from this class to create an additional restore behaviour
Public methods
public abstract void OnRestore();
Public methods
public void AddCollectionToPool(BrokenObjectCollection brokenObjectCollection)
You can pre-init a pool with a broken collection. This way you'll save a performance later. See example 1
public BrokenObject GetRandomObjectFromCollection(BrokenObjectCollection collection, Transform parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 localScale, out int index)
Retrieves random broken object variant from the target BrokenObjectCollection at the target transform.
public void ReleaseObjectFromCollection(BrokenObjectCollection collection, BrokenObject go, int index)
Releases the broken object to the collection under the target index
Download link:
New algorithms for procedural mesh destruction
Beautiful animated object restoration from shards
Baking destruction to animation
Further optimization, more smart pools
More settings for better and flexible destruction process configuration
More examples